ECM’s facilities and general operation are located on Griffin Road in the King Bay Industrial Estate, of the Dampier Supply Base at the Port of Dampier, Burrup Peninsula, Pilbara Region, in the north-west of Western Australia. The location is well suited to service the Resources Developers, Industries and Government Infrastructures established in the Region. The strategic location of ECM’s operation in the King Bay Industrial Estate of the Dampier Supply Base adds a significant competitive advantage by reducing transit time to alternative facilities and ensuring the highest possible availability and reliability.

ECM has developed 32,000 square metres of land which is situated within the Dampier Port precinct but outside the security zones which provides proximity to port activities without requiring security clearances (MSIC).

As well as laydown workshop and painting and blasting activities, there is also office facilities available including security, parking, ablutions, crib and internet.

The facility has been used in the past of a variety of project applications including quarantine inspection and modification work.

It is an ideal facility to host other supplementary services to the offshore oil and gas industry, including mining operations in the region.